March 2022

Sunday, March 6 2022

3-06-2022 Patio Concrete and Weather

BOAB Episode 5 Patio Click on the photo to view the Episode 5 Patio pour. This demonstrates some interesting construction concepts. The base is brought in and then the water pipe is installed below grade (twice since it was dug up by the trenching backhoe). The patio itself is designed to be about six inches below the house slab with a 1/8" in 12" slope toward the edges. If this were completely exposed it would have been around 1:12" slope. Also note that the footings for the web trusses that support the patio cover are up to the same grade as the house slab, so the footings had to be designed to be on the same grade. My contractor Kyle from K&C Construction is really a...

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Monday, March 14 2022

3-13-2022 Native Flora

Walking around the property we always look for rocks and plants that are new to us and native to the area. While diminuative, we found a couple of early spring plants starting to grow. The first is Early Shaggy Tuft (Stenandrium barbatum) and the other Nevada Biscuit Root (Lomatium nevadense) a member of the carrot family. We look forward to discovering more native plants this spring. Nevada Biscuit Root.  ...

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Saturday, March 26 2022

3-26-2022 Lots of Progress - Electrical to Street, and Roof Assembly

There was a week of no activity after the last post, then it got active. NV Energy came out for the Pre-con meeting with our GC and approved construction. Our GC immediately began trenching for the three inch conduit and two one inch conduits to the street for power, phone and cable (neither of which have service in our area). At the same time, our metal building crew began staging the metal trusses for assembly, and Maddog and I retrieved all the hardware from our storage unit. While the ditch crew began their dig to 5.5-6 feet down (the conduit needs to be below 5 feet from the surface) the metal crew began assembling the roof trusses and wood purlins for every other truss (see photo). The...

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