3-06-2022 Patio Concrete and Weather

BOAB Episode 5 Patio, Mar 2022
BOAB Episode 5 Patio

Click on the photo to view the Episode 5 Patio pour. This demonstrates some interesting construction concepts. The base is brought in and then the water pipe is installed below grade (twice since it was dug up by the trenching backhoe). The patio itself is designed to be about six inches below the house slab with a 1/8" in 12" slope toward the edges. If this were completely exposed it would have been around 1:12" slope. Also note that the footings for the web trusses that support the patio cover are up to the same grade as the house slab, so the footings had to be designed to be on the same grade. My contractor Kyle from K&C Construction is really a smart guy when it comes to concrete. He not only wants it to be functional, but also look nice. 

After a week of snow and wet weather in which we see the freeze thaw cycle that deteriorates exposed concrete demonstrated in the middle of this video. Finally, the weather cleared and the crew poured the footings on day 1, front patio on day 2, and rear patio and side on day 3. The crew had a long day on day 1 and didn't get to break from 7 AM to 2 PM. Like my GC says, "You don't work concrete, it works you" to say that once the pour starts, there are no breaks until done. The other phrase he says that I like is that "there are three things guaranteed with concrete: it will crack, it can't be stolen and it doesn't burn." 

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